Getting Started with CRISP

This guide will walk you through the steps to set up and run CRISP locally. CRISP is a complete example of an E3 Program, and setting it up involves installing dependencies and deploying both the RISC Zero contracts and Enclave contracts.

The setup includes the following:

  • RISC Zero contracts located in the CRISP/packages/risc0 directory.
  • Ciphernodes (Enclave, Registry, etc.) located in the evm directory of the Enclave Repo (opens in a new tab).


Before getting started, ensure you have the following tools installed:

  • Rust (programming language and package manager)
  • Foundry (Ethereum development framework)
  • RISC Zero toolchain (for RISC Zero program development)
  • Node.js (JavaScript runtime for client-side dependencies)
  • Anvil (local Ethereum node)

Install Dependencies

Install Rust and Foundry

First, install Rust and Foundry. After installation, restart your terminal.

# Install Rust
curl -sSf | sh
# Install Foundry
curl -L | bash

Install RISC Zero Toolchain

Next, install rzup, which provides the cargo-risczero toolchain.

# Install rzup
curl -L | bash
# Install the RISC Zero toolchain

Verify the installation by running the following command:

cargo risczero --version

At this point, you should have all the necessary tools to develop and deploy applications with RISC Zero (opens in a new tab).

Setting Up the Client

The Client is a simple React application used to interact with the CRISP Server. Follow these steps to set it up locally:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the client directory:

    cd CRISP/packages/client
  3. Install dependencies:

    yarn install
  4. Start the development server:

    yarn dev

Setting Up the CRISP Server

The CRISP server setup involves several components. This guide will walk you through each step.

Start a Local Testnet with Anvil

  1. In a terminal, start a local Ethereum testnet using Anvil:


Keep this terminal open and running. Open a new terminal for the next steps.

Deploying the Enclave Contracts

  1. Clone the Enclave Repo (opens in a new tab):

    git clone
    cd enclave
  2. Install the dependencies and Compile the contracts:

    yarn && yarn compile
  3. Navigate to the evm directory:

    cd packages/evm
  4. Deploy the Enclave contracts on the local testnet:

    yarn deploy:mocks --network localhost

After deployment, take note of the addresses for the following contracts:

  • Enclave
  • Ciphernode Registry
  • Naive Registry Filter
  • Mock Input Validator

Deploying the E3 Program and Verifier RISC Zero Contract

  1. Set up the environment variables by by exporting the Bonsai API Key:

    Note: You will need a Bonsai API Key. You can request one here (opens in a new tab).

    export BONSAI_API_KEY="your_api_key"
    export BONSAI_API_URL="your_api_url"
  2. Navigate to the CRISP/packages/evm_base directory and install the dependencies:

    cd CRISP/packages/evm_base
    yarn install
  3. Navigate to the CRISP/packages/risc0 directory and build the contracts:

    cd CRISP/packages/risc0
    forge build
  4. In the risc0/script directory, update the config.toml with the deployed contract addresses:

    chainId = 31337
    riscZeroVerifierAddress = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    enclaveAddress = "your_enclave_address"
    inputValidatorAddress = "your_input_validator_address"
  5. Export the ETH wallet private key (Anvil’s default private key):

    export ETH_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY="0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80"
  6. Deploy the contracts:

    forge script --rpc-url http://localhost:8545 --broadcast script/Deploy.s.sol

Make sure to take note of the CRISPRisc0 Contract Address, as this will serve as the E3 Program Address.

Set Up Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the CRISP/packages/server directory and fill in the values you noted during the previous steps:

CRON_API_KEY=your_cron_api_key # Optional for e3_cron binary
E3_PROGRAM_ADDRESS=your_e3_program_address # CRISPRisc0 Contract Address
# E3 Config
# E3 Compute Provider Config
E3_COMPUTE_PROVIDER_BATCH_SIZE=4 # Must be a power of 2


If you followed the steps correctly, you should now have:

  • A local testnet running with Anvil
  • Enclave contracts deployed
  • RISC Zero E3 Program and Verifier contracts deployed
  • CRISP Server set up with appropriate environment variables