Architecture Overview

This section provides a breakdown of Enclave’s architecture, focusing on the essential components and workflows to help you implement it effectively.

Core Components

1. Key Actors


  • Initiate and define computation requests, including parameters and requirements
  • Retrieve and utilize final computation results
  • Can be applications or other entities

Data Providers

  • Supply private input data required for computation
  • Are responsible for encrypting data before submission
  • Can be end users, systems, or other applications


  • Provide cryptographic services as staked network nodes
  • Handle distributed key generation and decryption operations
  • Form Ciphernode Committees (CiCos) for specific computations

2. Smart Contracts

Enclave Contract

  • Central coordinator of the E3 ecosystem
  • Manages computation requests and lifecycle
  • Coordinates Ciphernode selection and CiCo formation
  • Maintains input integrity via Merkle trees
  • Emits events for off-chain services

E3 Program (E3P) Contract

  • Defines computation logic
  • Validates program parameters
  • Verifies computation proofs
  • Interfaces with the Enclave contract
  • Ensures correct execution of the E3P

InputValidator Contract

  • Validates and sanitizes input data
  • Verifies Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs)
  • Prevents malicious input injection

Decryption Verifier Contract

  • Validates Ciphernode decryption shares
  • Ensures correct result decryption
  • Verifies threshold signature schemes

3. Compute Infrastructure

Compute Provider (CP)

  • Runs the E3 Program over the published inputs
  • Reports computation reults of the E3P to the Enclave contract

Enclave supports multiple CPs with a variety of different trust, scalability, and cost properties.

Supported systems:

  1. Verifiable Systems

  2. Oracle-Based Systems

    • zkTLS VMs (coming soon)
    • Committee-based oracles (coming soon)
    • Game theory-based oracles (coming soon)

Interaction Flow

The following steps outline how these components interact in a typical computation: E3 Flow

  1. Computation Request: A Requester submits a computation request with specific parameters.
  2. Node Selection: Ciphernodes are selected via sortition to form a Ciphernode Committee (CiCo).
  3. Key Generation: The CiCo generates and publishes a shared public key for encryption.
  4. Data Submission: Data Providers encrypt their inputs using the CiCo's shared public key and publish commitments to the encrypted inputs onchain.
  5. Computation Execution: The Compute Provider (CP) runs the E3 Program (E3P) over the published inputs.
  6. Decryption: The CiCo collectively decrypts the final result.
  7. Result Retrieval: The Requester retrieves and consumes the decrypted output of the E3P.

Developer's Perspective

As a developer, you'll interact with:

  • Enclave's Smart Contracts: To submit requests and retrieve results.
  • Compute Providers: To run your E3P using verfiable or oracle-based systems.
  • E3 Smart Contracts: To verify the inputs and computation result.