E3 Computation Flow

Computation Flow

The computation process within Enclave is decentralized and open, allowing any participant to contribute to each phase of execution. This design ensures transparency and flexibility, enabling different roles to be fulfilled by various actors, including the application server, Compute Providers, or other network participant.

Phase 1: Request

  1. Define the E3 Program: The core FHE logic of your application must be written in a supported FHE scheme. Currently, Enclave supports the fhe.rs (opens in a new tab) implementation of the BFV encryption scheme.
  2. Choose a Compute Provider: Your E3 program will likely need to be written to explicitly support your chosen Compute Provider. For our demo application, CRISP, we use Risc Zero (opens in a new tab) as our Compute Provider.
  3. Specify Parameters:
    • Set the threshold (t/n) for the Ciphernode Committee (CiCo), which defines the number of nodes that must coordinate to decrypt the computation output. This can be user-defined or pre-configured based on your application's needs.
    • Provide any necessary parameters specific to the Compute Provider.
    • Configure E3 Program parameters, including input submission deadlines and computation duration.
  4. Submit the Request: Call request on the Enclave contract to publish the request and initialize the E3.
function request(
        address filter,
        uint32[2] calldata threshold,
        uint256[2] calldata startWindow,
        uint256 duration,
        IE3Program e3Program,
        bytes memory e3ProgramParams,
        bytes memory computeProviderParams
    ) external payable returns (uint256 e3Id, E3 memory e3)

Phase 2: Node Selection

Each new request to the Enclave contracts initiates a verifiable sortition process to select a Ciphernode Committee (CiCo). The selected Ciphernodes use the E3 Program parameters to determine the appropriate Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) scheme, then generate and publish a shared public encryption key.

Node Selection

Phase 3: Input Window

During this phase, Data Providers — who may include individual users, applications, or institutions — encrypt their data to the CiCo's public key and publish commitments to those inputs onchain.

  1. Data Encryption: Data Providers encrypt their inputs using the CiCo's public key.

  2. Input Validation: Data Providers generate several Zero-Knowledge Proofs about their inputs to ensure they are valid for the requested E3. Some of these proofs are generic (e.g., proof of valid encryption) while others will be specific to your application.

  3. Submit Inputs: Both encrypted data and ZKPs are submitted to the Enclave contract, which will call the validate function on your E3P smart contract. The input hash is then added to a Merkle tree, the root of which can later be used to anchor proofs of correct execution of your E3 Program.

    function validate(
         uint256 e3Id,
         uint256 seed,
         bytes calldata e3ProgramParams,
         bytes calldata computeProviderParams
         returns (bytes32 encryptionSchemeId, IInputValidator inputValidator);

Phase 4: Execution

In this phase, the Compute Provider (CP) executes the Secure Process defined in your E3 Program and publishes the encrypted output back to Enclave contract.

  1. Execution: The CP retrieves encrypted inputs and executes the Secure Process defined in your E3 program.

  2. Publish Output: Your E3 Program contract must implement a verify function that will be invoked by the Enclave contract to publish the ciphertext output of your computation.

    function publishCiphertextOutput(
         uint256 e3Id,
         bytes memory ciphertextOutput,
         bytes memory proof
     ) external returns (bool success);

Phase 5: Decryption

After the ciphertext output is published, the CiCo for the given E3 coordinates to decrypt the ciphertext output and publish the resulting plaintext. The plaintext output can be queried from the Enclave contract's getE3() function.

function getE3(uint256 e3Id) external view returns (E3 memory e3);